On Friday
morning we made our way down Ben Yehuda Street to join together with
about 100,000 others from Tel Aviv to celebrate Ga'ava; gay pride
parade in Israel; in a county where some believe to have been founded
on the Torah and where the Torah forbids homosexuality, it is especially
worth noting the outwardness of this parade and the intensity that it
is celebrated by those in Tel Aviv.
say Tel Avivians since the rest of the country seemed not to have cared
less. When we spoke to others in Jerusalem or from other cities in
Israel, they dismissed the parade as something that was foreign to them
and not part of "true" Israel; Of course, each Israeli has their own
version anyway of what is true Israel;
was virtually impossible to distinguish the gays from the non- especially in the parade-(on the gyrating beach on Hof Gordon-it was not
so difficult to distinguish)-but the marching of the parade seemed to
be for everyone; anyone that wanted to walk was able to walk and join
in with the heat, with the water spraying guns and with the dancing;
were some major "floats" in which the obvious talented gay dancers
displayed their acumen; however after 20 minutes of heavy techno music
with no variation in the songs nor in the rhythm, the parade became a
bit on the boring side; there was no creativity in the floats or the
costumes or in its presentation;
The message of celebration of the manner of living gay was pretty evident; it would have been a lot more fun if the celebration was thought through and presented with some clever costuming, themes or even outlandish dress; Not even a gay Homer Simpson? boring.......
The message of celebration of the manner of living gay was pretty evident; it would have been a lot more fun if the celebration was thought through and presented with some clever costuming, themes or even outlandish dress; Not even a gay Homer Simpson? boring.......
a restful Shabbat , we headed off for a bit of a desert adventure in
the Negev; since we have been to the Dead Sea before we decided to do
the north part and headed to a resort called "Bianquini." Good thing
we didn't read the Trip Advisor before, otherwise we would never have
spent a second there. Trip Advisor gave it 9 out of 100. The food and
accommodation, lack of cleanliness, lack of service all added up to a
failing grade. However the two macho guys who had rented their tsimmer
(room for rent) beside us with their quite voluptuous blond busty
prostitute didn't seem to be quite as picky as us. (Not sure if that
would have increased the rating or decreased it - I will leave that one to
the reader. )
However we made up for the experience by going to the oldest city in the world-Jericho- for dinner.
were told about a restaurant called "Limona" as the best in town; the
town by the way is quite small being only a population of 18,000; very
poor, no alcohol that we saw; no movie theatre that we saw.
however turned out to be a great restaurant and the food was plentiful
and excellent from the great grilled fish to the roasted potatoes and
rice and baskets of wonderfully tasting pita as well as the 12 salads
they brought out as an appetizer and ending with a huge bowl of fruit as
part of the meal included. You couldn't eat everything. There was no
rush to leave as eating a large meal and sticking around for a couple of
hours is part of the culture and there is nothing else to do anyway. So we hung out and watched a large screen television of "Arab Idol" until
we headed back to our one star accommodation at Bianquini before
heading out the next day for a hike in Wadi Qelt in 33 degree weather.
As always-many different worlds live in a small country.
Arnold Zweig